“Joanna A. Nichols Dance for the Cause” 2009 Dance‑A‑Thon!
Sunday, November 8th from 2:30 – 4:00Registration begins at 1:30DONATION FORM
First Name:______________________________________ Last Name:_________________________________
My goal is to raise at least $ _____ for the American Cancer Society for my participation in the Joanna A. Nichols Dance for the Cause 2009 Dance a Thon.
Dear Potential Sponsor,
I am participating in the “Joanna A. Nichols Dance for the Cause” Dance-A-Thon. This event is to raise funds and awareness for cancer and the proceeds will help fund cancer research, education, etc. I am collecting donations for the American Cancer Society and all checks should be made payable to the American Cancer Society. All contributions to the American Cancer Society are tax-deductible. If you pay in cash and require a receipt, please provide your full information below. Thank you for your contribution.